Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fred and Joe

let's reads some good jokes in this, just for laughs Laughing

here we go :

-Fred and Joe are out hunting. Suddenly, Fred falls over with a heart attack. Joe quickly calls 911, and franticly says, "my friend just fell over with a heart attack, and i think he's dead! what should i do?" The lady on the line says, "calm down sir, the first thing to do is to make sure if he's dead." There is a pause, and then BANG! "alright, what should i do now?"

-A pastor goes to see old Fred in the hospital. The pastor is watching old Fred in his sleep, when suddenly old Fred wakes up. He sees the pastor, and gestures for him to come closer. As the pastor does, Fred gets a strange look on his face, and begins gesturing for a pencil and paper. The pastor hands it to him, and Fred scribbles down a message and dies

The pastor, too sad to think about the note, shoves it into his pocket. The next day, he is giving a sermon for Fred's funeral. He puts his hand into his pocket and remembers the note. He tells the congregation, 'just before Fred died, he wrote me a note, which i am sure is full of words of inspiration for us all.' he then pulls it out and reads, 'your standing on my oxygen tube!

-Fred, the old miser died. He told his wife that his last request was that all his millions of dollars would be buried with him. His wife agreed. On the day of the funeral, just before they close the coffin, she rushes forward with a large wooden box, and places it inside. Then the coffin is closed, and buried. The wife's friend goes up to her and says, "did you really bury all that money with him?" "Of course I did, I promised, didn't I? I wrote him a check."

-There was a blonde driving down the road one day. She glanced to her right and noticed another blonde sitting in a ~Censored~ field, rowing a boat with no water in sight. The blonde angrily pulled her car over and yelled at the rowing blonde : "What do you think you're doing? It's things like this that give us blondes a bad name. If I could swim, I'd come out there and kick your butt!"

-A duck walks into a bar and asks: "Got any Bread?"

Barman says: "No."

Duck says: "Got any bread?"

Barman says: "No."

Duck says: "Got any bread?"

Barman says: "No, we have no bread."

Duck says: "Got any bread?"

Barman says: "No, we haven't got any bread!"

Duck says: "Got any bread?"

Barman says: "No, are you deaf?! We haven't got any bread, and if you ask me again and I'll nail your dang beak to the bar you irritating dang duck!"

Duck says: "Got any nails?"

Barman says: "No"

Duck says: "Got any bread?

post more jokes, let us laugh Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy